Google adsense|Earning online|Making money on internet Monetize Your Blog with AdBrite ~ MAKING MONEY

Monday, 9 May 2011

Monetize Your Blog with AdBrite

If you are looking for a simple, yet powerful way to make money and sell ad space on your blog, try AdBrite.

AdBrite is basically a marketplace for digital advertising. It enables you to instantly sell ads to your visitors via a "Your Ad Here" link, in addition to selling through AdBrite’s marketplace. You can also set your own ad rates and control which ads are published on your blog.

Bloggers can place a small portion of code on their blog with which their visitors can "buy ad space". Through the code added to your blog, AdBrite will handle the serving, scheduling, billing, support, and sales.

If you're using AdBrite, in addition to Google Adsense, you can turn off AdBrite's keyword targeted-network ads and AdBrite will only display ads that have been approved by you. If you have no ads running, AdBrite will display nothing but "Your Ad Here", so no real estate is wasted and you have nothing to lose.

AdBrite sign up is free, quick and painless. They ask you the standard typical questions like name address, payee tax information, and so on. You are then asked to input your site details and give some information about your website. The information meant to help your website get listed in the proper area, and help potential advertisers locate it.

As soon as you are accepted to the program and place the code on your site, you can start defining your advertising zone. You can set various pricing models such as 7 day advertising, 1 month advertising, or any other time fame you want to create. You can also set up a pay per click model if you desire.

Once someone decides to advertise on your website you’ll get an email from the system alerting you there is a new ad up for review.

Aside from selling ad space you can also make money from AdBrite's affiliate program. You get to keep up to 50% of the revenue that your referred webmaster brings in for first three months, and 10% to follow for next 9 months.

Sixty days after you’ve hit your minimum payout (the lowest payout is $20) you’ll get a report via email telling you a check has been sent listing the amount and statistics for the pay period. You can also log into your account and see future payments and dates.

So, what are you waiting for? Try to integrate more revenue stream into your blog. Click here to get started as a publisher.


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