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Tuesday, 21 June 2011

3 Methods To Submit Articles To Multiple Directories


Author: Cynthia Minnaar

It is not uncommon to come across people asking if they should submit articles to multiple directories. As article marketing is one of the most effective ways to build back links, increase search engine rankings and drive targeted traffic to your website you will want to make the most out of every article your write.
The way to achieve good results with any online marketing method you choose to implement is by being consistent. Whilst article marketing is a long term marketing strategy it produces long lasting results.
Don’t for one minute think that you are going to achieve these results by submitting just one article. To achieve maximum results you need to consistently write and submit articles on a regular basis.
Having completed the writing of your articles you need to decide how you are going to distribute them far and wide on the internet. Are you going to submit articles to multiple directories or do you plan on submitting your articles manually to a few directories? Are you going to make changes to your article so that different versions are sent to each directory or are you going to submit the same article to every directory?
It is not unusual for those who have time to choose to submit their article to a few article directories manually. It is still highly effective if you do it consistently although it is very time consuming.
Something to remember is that if you submit the same article to multiple directories the search engines will filter out most of them in the search results. Certainly Google will not show every identical article from different article directories.
You can overcome this problem in a few ways.

You can rewrite your articles to produce different versions if you have the time.
You can use article spinners to spin different versions of your article. It is important, if you are going to use a spinner, that you choose a good quality one otherwise your articles are likely to make very little sense. You don’t want to jeopardize your reputation as an expert in your field by distributing low quality versions of your articles.
You will find article distribution services online that will submit articles to multiple directories for you, however most of them will submit the same version of your article to each directory.
SubmitYourArticle, a high quality distribution service, has an Article Leverage option which enables you to enter different versions of your title, paragraphs, sentences and resource boxes. The result of this is that each article directory that they submit to in their network receives a different version of your article.///


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